Are you ready to finally find peace with food and leave the past in the past? It not about eating more kale, drinking more water and cutting out dairy. According to certified eating psychology, health coach and author Elise Museles, it has to with understanding why we feel the way we do about food and then healing that relationship.
Our “food story” is that inner narrative about how and why we eat what we do. YOUR food story is a blend of how you were raised, the messages you received from influential people around you, the media and positive and painful memories associated with food since childhood. It’s really the perfect storm that impacts our health and happiness.
How To Heal Your Relationship With Food
Listen to Beauty is a Bitch podcast S4 E7 How To Rewrite Your Food Story and Unfu*k Your Relationship With Food where I talk with Elise about her reflective book Food Story: Rewrite The Way You Eat, Think & Live (which I devoured cover to cover) as well as understanding and changing that inner mean-girl dialogue in our heads once and for all. Most of us beat ourselves up about food. In fact, we spend so much time thinking about food (what to eat, what not to eat, etc.) that we allow it to take up too much space in our lives.
Food Story: Your Relationship With Food
“Food Story” is a permission slip to embrace your true self filled with questions and exercises for reflection (journaling), practical and rational tools for growing your confidence and mediation practices for tuning in to what your body really needs and desires. There are also over 30 science-backed delicious recipes (her Chocolate-Pistachio Bark with Freeze-Dried Raspberries is one I have made repeatedly) divided by mood and how you want to feel (happy, focused, radiant, strong, comforted, sensual or calm). I promise you will be on our way to healing your relationship with food and take charge of your health and longevity…the right way.
What We Discuss in The Podcast
- What a food story is and how to figure out what ours is.
- Why so many women are so fed up when it comes to food and dieting.
- How we can change our mindset and beliefs when it comes to food.
- How to quiet the “noise” around food.
- If men are also affected by food the same way women are.
- How to use food to boost our mood.
- How we can make our kitchen a sanctuary instead of a place that causes panic.
Be sure to check out Elise’s book Food Story: Rewrite The Way You Eat, Think & Live which is a permission slip to love yourself, filled with practical tools and questions for reflection.
Follow Elise on Instagram @elisemuseles

Honestly, lately, I think I’ve lost my “relationship” to food. Could be my situation (which involves grief), but I’m not interested in cooking and only eat what’s convenient to put together. Which I guess is a sort of relationship, but feels more like a break up.