When Madonna recently presented at the 2023 Grammy Awards she went viral. Not because of what she said, but because of how she looked. The flood of negative comments was about Madonna’s plastic surgery, which was very noticeable.
But as we all know by now, Madonna never shies away from controversy. Madonna said days later on her Instagram, she was “caught in the glare of ageism and misogyny the permeates the world we live in.” And she’s right. It’s her life, her body, and her choice.
Madonna At The Grammys
Madonna was introducing Kim Petras and Sam Smith’s performance of “Unholy.” And while Madonna called it a “history making moment,” (Smith identifies as nonbinary and Petras is a transgender woman) she went on to say, “Instead of focusing on what I said in my speech, many people chose to only talk about close-up photos of me taken with a long lens camera by a press photographer that would distort anyone’s face!”
Madonna’s Plastic Surgery
But it’s obvious Madonna had some work done and the debate rages over what exactly she did to her face. So I had New York plastic surgeon Dr. David Kashan on my podcast Beauty is a Bitch to get to the bottom of not only what Madonna probably had done, but how to get the results you want, should you decide to go under the knife.
Plastic Surgeon Dr. David Kashan
Dr. Kashan is a Plastic & Reconstructive surgeon based in New York who has trained at top hospitals in the U.S. He served as a Chief Resident in General Surgery at SUNY Downstate Medical Center where he had years of experience performing emergency trauma, and cancer surgeries.
This was followed by his three year Plastic Surgery Fellowship at the world renowned Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. It was there that he performed countless reconstructive surgeries including being part of the team for the youngest face transplant patient! He trained under the best in the world for facelifts, rhinoplasties, cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgeries, as well as body contouring.
The Madonna Effect Podcast
Be sure to listen to my S5 E14 Beauty is a Bitch Podcast “The Madonna Effect: Ageism and Plastic Surgery With Dr. David Kashan” which gets really interesting when he looks at earlier pictures of Madonna as compared to recent ones and gives his expert opinion on what she had done.
We also talk about ageism and why any person who is aging should not feel 100% confident and comfortable doing whatever they wish to their own face and body. Society hates aging, but does it hate plastic surgery more?
What We Discuss In The Podcast
- The procedures Dr. Kashan likes doing the most.
- What he thinks Madonna actually had done to her face.
- Why everyone is freaking out about her new look.
- How Madonna is handling the media and social media frenzy.
- What Dr. Kashan would have done differently.
- What he does if a patient won’t listen to his advice and suggestions.
- If he has ever turned patients away because he didn’t agree with their demands.
- How Dr. Kashan approaches facial aging.
- How to handle patients who might be scared of being overfilled or looking frozen.
- And so much more…
Note: In no way are we bashing Madonna in this episode. In fact, we both adore and respect Madonna and feel people should do whatever they want when it comes to their own bodies with no repercussions. As Madonna who has never shied away from public opinion said, “I have never apologized for any of the creative choices I have made nor the way I look or dress and I am not going to start.” Cheers to that!
Learn more in my Beauty is a Bitch Podcast: The Madonna Effect: Ageism and Plastic Surgery With Dr. David Kashan
The Madonna Effect Show Notes
Read Madonna hits back at ageist criticism after Grammy Awards appearance.
Dr. David Kashan
55 Bryant Ave, Roslyn, NY 11576
(516) 515-9267
Instagram @davidkashanmd
Read some of my other podcast posts like De-aging Our Skin Internally and Externally: My Podcast with Jan Marini and How Women Are Being Poisoned: You Must Listen To This Podcast!
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