The Recap And Fashion Drama of The RHONY Season 8: Ep 9

I love a short week! Then the Real Housewives of New York comes on sooner. That makes sense right? I’m watching too much reality TV, obviously. It’s making me dumb (so my husband says). Anyway, this week’s episode opens back at Dorinda’s house in the Berkshires (in case you forgot LuMann and Bethenny were going at it over Skinny Girl). Now stay alert because this week’s episode is like watching a game of ping pong.

The Recap And Fashion Drama of The RHONY Season 8: Ep 8

The Real Housewives of New York City is the gift that keeps on giving. This week’s episode opens with Dorinda and Jules shopping at the Jonathan Adler store presumably on Madison Ave on the Upper East Side. Dorinda admits she got her secret Santa, Bethenny, a vibrating thigh master. Jules has Ramoaner so obviously the events of the last evening (the scene at the designer party) come up. Jules left to protect her face (?) as she hates loud voices and confrontation. When they see each other tonight, Dorinda’s plan is to just stay away from Ramoner. She has written her off. “Maybe Ramoaner just wants to sleep with John.” (I spit my drink out on that one). NOBODY. WANTS. TO. SLEEP. WITH. JOHN!

Janet Jackson is Insane. Having and Raising Kids in Your 40’s is HARD!

Recently I wrote a post about my issues with fertility. I was in my forties when all my baby drama was happening, so when I read an article in the New York Post entitled Mom-to-be Janet Jackson has no idea what she’s in for by Anna Davies it really resonated with me. Come on, every mother on earth thinks Janet is nuts at 50 to have a baby (yet she probably won’t be actually raising the baby like the rest of us schmucks would -most of us aren’t married to billionaires. I digress.) BECAUSE WE KNOW BETTER!

The Recap And Fashion Drama of The RHONY Season 8: Ep 7

We open this week of The Real Housewives of New York City at Gray Gardens otherwise (I learned this week) referred to as “Chateau (Lady) Morgan.” LuMann is moving in to her own suite on the 5th floor. She has her house in the Hamptons, gave up her West Side apartment and needs to devote all her time to finding the man she is confident she will soon meet. She shows up wearing a Santa coat and Sonja greets her in a fur trimmed jacket. In her house. Apparently she doesn’t turn on the heat. Get the Grey Gardens reference yet? LuMann says, “she’s (Sonja) rudderless without her daughter around. I’m like the man in the relationship with Sonja (you got that LuMann). Without me around I think she’s more stable.” Honey with you she’s unstable!

The Recap And Fashion Drama of The RHONY Season 8: Ep 6

This episode of The Real Housewives of New York City begins with Sonja getting a massage and facial (of free sperm) from her gossipy massage/facialist therapist and simultaneously texting. There is nothing stopping her from texting. So relaxing. Getting ready for her birthday party. She’s wearing a towel so there isn’t much to talk about there. “John would never miss the opening of an envelope,” Sonja remarks lovingly. Now to Carole’s apartment where she has invited a psychic. Jules arrives looking skinny and chic with food from Eately which is ironic since Jules doesn’t eat. Then Dorinda arrives wearing a crazy bright silk poncho over and cameo Chanel bag which doesn’t match. Don’t worry, the poncho comes off to reveal a gray turtleneck! Of course, because she has to wear drab gray.