The Recap And Fashion Drama of The RHONY Season 8: Ep 4

Here we go! I’m ready for Bethenny’s fall birthday party in the Hamptons on the Real Housewives Of New York. It’s nice to see Cookie is still around. Husband out, dog in.

Anyway, the fashion this week is casual…which I love! That’s when I assume none are using a stylist and I really get to see how they put themselves together. This week’s episode centers around a BBQ in the Hamptons and a brunch in the Hamptons – in the late fall.

3 Career Tips and Aiding Other Women In Achieving Their Own Independence

This is a sponsored post written on behalf of TracFone. It has been a long time since I have had to interview and I’m lucky to do what I do, but I was even luckier to be invited to a luncheon where I was given the privilege of listening to three women sharing their very personal journeys to success and independence – openly and candidly. A few weeks ago I met three graduates of Success is Calling – a program created by TracFone® and Dress for Success® in 2015- who bravely shared their very personal journeys towards independence who were all driven to be their best selves. It was beyond inspirational and moving. I was riveted.

The Recap And Fashion Drama of The Real Housewives Of Dallas Season 1: Ep 3

The preview for this episode of The Real Housewives Of Dallas hints Brandi (an ex-Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader) will get raunchy at a strip joint. Shoot me now. I figure if even 20% of the women who watch this show read this review, it will have been read by 10 people. The show is that bad.

I’m going to bounce around a lot because that’s what happens during these shows, so bare with me.

The Recap And Fashion Drama of The RHONY Season 8: Ep 3

Drama Alert! After a cigarette break (who still smokes?) we are back to the bra fitting party – where we left off from last week on the Real Housewives of New York. Jules is going team Dorinda and not Bethenny because Dorinda got her on the show. Mistake. Anyway, these bra fitters are probably like “these bitches are wild animals.” The claws are out!