old money aesthetic women over 50 fountainoif30

So What Is The “Old Money Aesthetic” and Why Should You Care?

If you are on Instagram or TikTok (hey, social media isn’t just for the twenty-somethings) you’ve probably seen posts and comments about the “old money aesthetic”. While many of the styles discussed are pretty well-known (Hermes accessories, tweed, basically all things Ralph Lauren), the concept of those looks being aspirational for Gen Z is interesting. …

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personal style tips for winter fountainof30

How To Keep Warm and Stay True To Your Personal Style

If you live in a part of the world that gets snow, ice, and below-freezing temperatures, then you know that once the first flakes start falling, looking stylish often becomes secondary to staying warm. So how do you stay true to your personal style in winter? Wearing lots of layers or giant puffy coats all …

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