Lysol Laundry Sanitizer To The Rescue!

This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I never really gave my laundry much thought. I wash our clothes and towels with my usual detergent and just expect them to be clean. But it wasn’t until I looked at my 10 year-old son’s well-loved stuffed lamb he has slept with every single night since he was 6 months old that I thought, this is kinda gross. “Lamby” was originally white and is now she’s threadbare dingy grey. I am afraid to over-wash her for fear she will just disintegrate. Yes, trust me, I have searched to the ends of the earth, and they no longer make this exact toy and my son won’t even look at a close substitute. Apparently she has a certain “smell.”

So when I attended the Lysol Laundry Sanitizer #TeddyRepair breakfast hosted by MomTrends in NYC last week, not only did I learn how to repair Lamby, I discovered how to sanitize her so she is not gross. Lysol Laundry Sanitizer is a one-of-a-kind product that’s safe to use on washable fabric items and kills 99.9% of bacteria that regular detergents may leave behind, when used as directed. It kills most bacteria regular laundry detergent can’t and leaves behind a fresh linen fragrance.

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer contains no bleach, is gentle on fabrics and can be used in hot or cold water. As directed, simply add some of the Lysol with your regular detergent to the rinse cycle. I’ve been using it on towels and with stinky gym clothes to help prevent odors before they can grow!


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At the event, I learned how to repair my son’s stuffed Lamby (her ear was falling off) with tips from DIY expert Mandi Gubler. Since then I have repaired 4 of my kids’ stuffed animal toys and they now think I’m a genius who can fix anything. So there’s that. Not to mention now Lamby smells better and is nearly germ free. I learned to wash her with my towels so all are simultaneously getting super clean. So I feel better knowing my son is sniffing and going to sleep with a stuffed animal that is not germ-infested.

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer event table lights loft space fountainof30

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer breakfast bloggers table

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer repairting stuffed animal toys

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer Lauren Dimet Waters repairs a toy
Here I am sewing Lamby’s ear back on.

LysolTeddyReapirstuffed toy Lysol Laundry Sanitizer fountainof30

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer event fountainof30
Obviously I am saying something captivating.
Lysol Laundry Sanitizer 3 women Lysol pruducts
Jill Seiman of Glamamom, Brianne Manz of Stroller in the City and Lauren Dimet Waters of Fountain Of 30

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer event Lauren Dimet Wates fountainof30

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer event teddy reapair women repair stuffed toys

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer stuffed animal toys on a screen

fixing stuffed animal toys close up hands fixing green toy

Lysol Laundry Sanitizer teddy repair studded animal toys

Learn more about Lysol Laundry Sanitizer.

Lauren Dimet Waters Signature

Photos: MomTrends

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Lyasol Laundry Sanitizer Teddy Repair Fountainof30

2 thoughts on “Lysol Laundry Sanitizer To The Rescue!”

  1. I saw a commercial for this and am dying to try it. Waiting for our grocery to get it. I even asked the manager of the store and he is going to look into it. I have an autoimmune disease so cleanliness is basically the only way that I can protect myself. Thanks for sharing your story.


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