Drugstore Beauty Must-Haves

Six Drugstore Beauty Must-Haves!

A few years ago I made it a goal to learn more about drugstore (and in some cases grocery store) makeup and beauty products. So here is a video of 6 drugstore beauty must-haves I am digging at this moment. They are my must-haves. Sure you can spend three times the amount on prestige products, but I’d rather save that money for that YSL bag I’ve had my eye on.

Anti-Aging Beauty: Kiehl’s Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum Concentrate

As much as we try to moisturize our skin as we age, it’s nearly impossible to get that youthful glow and plumped skin look back. Yes, there are new in-office hydration procedures your dermatologist can perform, but they are costly. Thank Kiehl’s for their new Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum Concentrate that brilliantly corrects “Age-Related Dehydration.” This …

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