Why You Should Resolve To Go Damp (And Not Dry) In January

Millions of us do it every new year. We make resolutions like losing weight, getting in shape and/or going completely dry for the month of January. And then? We break them and feel like failures. Who needs that? In Season 5 Episode 11 of my podcast Beauty Is a Bitch, I interview world-renowned hypnotherapist Georgia Foster and she explains how much more successful a “damp” January is versus a “dry” one. Georgia makes an excellent argument on the benefits of how to reduce alcohol consumption without giving it up entirely (which she says is not tenable for most people).

go damp in january new years resolultions fountainof30

Why Go Damp And Not Dry In January

We are talking about simply cutting back and recognizing exactly why you are drinking too much and how to get back to drinking in February in a better, more mindful way. Vulnerability, stress, anger, insomnia and all the reasons you may reach for a drink will not go away without doing the work. In fact, chances are really good you will revert back to the way you used to drink once February arrives.


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So why not get to the root of the problem and change the behavior and your inner dialogue? It’s more about the chemical reaction (dopamine) than the actual alcohol anyway, and there are other ways to get that dopamine flowing that are not alcohol related.

beauty is a bitch podcast with georgia foster fountainof30

Beauty Is a Bitch Podcast With Georgia Foster

In this podcast episode we discuss:

  • What a “Damp January” is and what it looks like.
  • Why people drink too much.
  • Our inner critic and how help silence it.
  • What a “pleaser” drinking style is.
  • What a “perfectionist” drinker style is.
  • Why willpower alone doesn’t work.
  • How hypnosis can help.
  • Tips for drinking less and shifting your emotional state.

Listen to S5 E11 Why You Should Resolve to Go Damp and Not Dry In January with Georgia Foster here.

goergia foster hypnotherapist podcast interview fountainof30

Learn more about Georgia Foster

Website: georgiafoster.com

Book: Drink Less in 7 Days by Georgia Foster

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgiafoster/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/georgiafosterofficial/


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Read some of my other posts like 11 Beauty Products I Discovered in 2022 That I Will Continue To Use in 2023 and Beauty is a Bitch Podcast: The Year In Review 2021.

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go damp in January with Georgia Foster hypnotherapist fountainof30

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