CBD seemed to have come out of nowhere a few years ago and now it’s everywhere! It’s a tincture, a chewable, a lip balm and it’s even in our skincare products. Yes, CBD is the Wild West so understanding it can be tricky and confusing. I personally don’t want it in my skincare until I full understand it, but for pain? I’m all for taking anything that relieves pain and doesn’t get you high (well anymore). There are many benefits of taking CBD in midlife.
CBD In Midlife
In fact, taking the right amount of quality CBD can actually be helpful for many of the symptoms of menopause. Therefore in S3 E2 “Good Golly Miss Molly (J)! IS CBD For You?” of Beauty is a Bitch I talk to Shaina Kerrigan, founder of Molly J. small batch, CBD-infused confections all about the ins and outs of CBD. We only talked about ingesting CBD for pain. Look for another episode about using CBD topically in the future.
CBD for Sleep
A bit about Shiana…she was having a hard time with sleep throughout her pregnancy and breast-feeding experience after the birth of her second child. So she took matters into her own hands and turned to CBD. She loved the relief it provided and began hosting in-home cannabis educational parties for fellow mothers in her network. She quickly found that hesitancy to try CBD came from lack of education (and the misinformation that CBD could get you high).
She was so excited to “spread the chill” Molly J. was born in Shiana’s kitchen. She began experimenting with different flavors and ingredients and vetted over 20 CBD growers and manufacturers to ensure the highest quality products would be created. After 9 months Molly J. launched in May 2019 with her signature Berry flavor. Now she has flavors like Plum Cardamom, Lemon Lavender, Sparkling Pomegranate, Elderflower Grapefruit and Blackberry Rose (I can attest they are delicious!).
What We Discuss in The Podcast
- How CBD helps women and menopause and with what symptoms
- The difference between CBD and THC
- How to make sure what you are buying is quality
- How to know what dosage to be taking
- What effects should we be feeling?
- Some life hacks involving CBD
Listen to Good Golly Miss Molly (J)! Is CBD For You? on Apple Podcasts here!
Visit Molly J
You may also like to read Fueling Midlife With The Foods You Eat, The Healthy Way! and Can Supplements Really Help You Age Later?
Feature Photo: Molly J
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