All Aboard the Lip Stain Train

I never thought I’d like matte lipstick stains because I assumed they’d be drying and I detest my lips feeling dry. In fact, if my lips don’t feel glossy I’m uncomfortable. Hell, I keep gloss on my nightstand. However, glossy lips tend to bleed. So when I attended The Makeup Show in NYC this past weekend, I learned to give matte lip gloss stains a second chance. I’m glad I did! They have come a long way.

Got Grays? May I Suggest Root Concealer Sprays

There are now all kinds of hair care products and vitamins that claim to help hair grow. How about offering one product that makes hair stop growing – especially for those of us who have to color our hair? I have a standing appointment with my colorist every 6 weeks, but by week 4 my roots are already showing and it drives me batty. It’s not just the grays either, but that definitive line you can see from the color and the regrowth. Well thank GOD for spray root concealers! They buy you another two weeks in-between appointments so I always make sure to have some on hand.

Ragged Nails? I Feel You

Winter is always murder on my already weak nails and cuticles. I was not born blessed with great nails. In fact I bit them the first 10 years of my life. That was until I saw a picture of myself lunching on them and that was gross enough to make me stop. I inherited my grandmother’s weak nails and no matter what nail hardener I tried in those days, they would break easily. It drove me crazy.

Happy National Fragrance Day! 10 Best Picks For Spring ’16

Today is not only Good Friday, it’s National Fragrance Day! So of course I had to do a little research on some of the hottest fragrances for Spring/Summer ’16. Now keep in mind, I’m a little biased when it comes to perfumes. I don’t like anything cloyingly sweet, woodsy or really heavy. If the description says it has notes of “patchouli” I run screaming in the other direction.

My perfume preferences, especially when it comes to the warmer months, are light florals, clean greens and fruits. Oh and I’m a sucker for roses, which you will see by my selections. Hopefully at least one of these picks will be of interest.

What’s Inside My Makeup Bag? Take a Peek!

Believe it or not I’ve actually been asked what I carry in my makeup bag. Probably because it’s usually jam packed or it could just be idle curiosity. Now keep in mind these are the items I carry everywhere with me. What I use on a daily basis to have my makeup ready is for another post – another time.