I know it’s hard to swallow, but the 70’s are back for Spring ’15 in a major way! Just look to the runways of Gucci, Pucci, Diane von Furstenberg, Etro and Prada for inspiration. Think more early 70’s than the disco era though (however, a little lame won’t hurt either). More Stevie Nicks than Diana Ross. The nostalgia for that era makes sense when you think many now yearn for those days (even though Watergate at the time seemed so major). If you are one of those who wore the fashions in the actual 70’s, please don’t think you can wear what’s packed away somewhere in storage. A little fringe goes a long way and cuts are of course a little different today. If you are over 30 you might want to consider wearing only one reference at a time. Think about pairing a patchwork skirt with a more modern top and jacket. Or flared, high-waist jeans with a cropped jacket and modern kicks. It’s all groovy.
– Lauren Dimet Waters