For the past few months, many celebrities throughout the country have been urging the public to stay home, practice social distancing and helping wherever they can. They have contributed through monetary donations, food deliveries, or simply acknowledging the doctors, nurses and first responders helping to battle the coronavirus crisis. Here’s another look at what the celebrities are doing in quarantine.
Celebrities In Quarantine
Some of this has made us shake our heads. Who are you to tell me what to do while showing off your luxury manse? Are you really struggling to stay sane as you tape your talk show via video camera and gab with celebrity friends?
All critiques aside, however, it is quite interesting to see what certain celebs are up to and how they’re handling this quarantine experience (also a peek into their homes is rather voyeuristic). Jennifer Garner’s cooking shows have wormed their way into my heart as have the various hair color changes of the teen-tween favorites like Sarah Hyland and Hilary Duff.
Other celebs, like the ones below, are spending time with loved ones, working out and showing us their beauty routines (or lack thereof) on social media.
Let’s take a look at what celebrities are doing in quarantine.
Eva Mendes
“They’ve won,” Eva Mendes simply and cleverly captioned this colorful Instagram photo. She was obviously talking about her two girls, who, by the looks of it, have artistic capabilities in their future. Future makeup artists maybe? The bright eye makeup is a bit much (and put on a little perfectly to be done by toddlers, really) but if this was a stylish print dress, I’d buy it!
Looks like Eva and Ryan (Gosling) have their hands full! But at least they’re making the most of their situation, and hopefully enjoying it, too.
Hilarie Burton
The “silver lining” is literally growing out of my skull, actress and producer Hilarie Burton writes on her Instagram. She’s not the first to get her grays growing in quarantine and she certainly won’t be the last. But I love that she, along with other celebs embracing their natural like Kelly Ripa, Gabrielle Union, even Ariana Grande, is so vocal about it.
Besides letting it flow (or grow), there’s a message behind the gray. Hilarie says she’s doing it for “all of our frontline and essential workers who are too busy to fuss with things like hair color.”
“I grow mine out in solidarity with you,” she says, noting that she is “reminded of all you’re doing to keep us safe”, “that you deserve to be taken care of” and “that any spare time I have shouldn’t be spent on vanity, but rather on helping our heroes.” She calls her grays a “small, silly symbol.”
“Who cares, right? But I hope the nurse or the vet or the store clerk who is feeling tired and overwhelmed knows that it’s a visible thing I can show that says ‘I’m with you.'”
Message heard loud and clear.

Helen Mirren
Helen Mirren is one classy dame, and she’s using her makeunder for good. Besides the fact that self-isolation is helping her find that less is more, she is also asking that people donate to support intensive care. It’s always lovely to see a celebrity in full makeup and stylish clothes. But it’s also nice when they let go for a bit, and this moment in history is pushing them to do it.

Jennifer Lopez
No one will ever question JLo’s ability for keeping up with her personal fitness routine. And obviously, quarantine doesn’t change things. Recently, Jennifer Lopez posted this post-workout selfie to show off her “isolation workout,” her toned physique, and of course, the Niyama Sol gear. JLo is currently in a partnership with them to hawk uniquely designed sports bras and leggings. It’s true, quarantine is just another reason to get more exercise and buy more cute workout clothes.

Ayesha Curry
Looks like Ayesha Curry has also been getting her workouts in during quarantine. The 31-year old mother of three also does not have a stretch mark on her and fans (and friends, like the fabulous Olivia Munn) on Instagram let her know it. Who played photographer for this good looking lady? Her husband Stephen Curry, of course.
Do you know what your favorite celebrity is doing in quarantine? Please let us know!
–Simona Shemer
You may also like to read more of Simona’s celebrity posts like Celebrities In Face Masks Lead By Example and How 7 Celebrities Are Helping During The Pandemic.
Photos: Eva Mendes @evamendes / Instagram | Hilarie Burton Morgan @hilarieburton / Instagram | Helen Mirren @helenmirren / Instagram | Jennifer Lopez @jlo / Instagram | Ayesha Curry @ayeshacurry / Instagram
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