Ultherapy: A Non-Invasive Way To Tighten Your Turkey Neck

For the past I’d say 3 years I have noticed my neck starting to go – as in sagging. Ug. I have tried using neck creams, tightening creams and basically ANYTHING that promises a tighter neck. They don’t really work. I may I feel a slight tightening, but I needed something a little more drastic and going under the knife to have my neck pulled back, especially at my age is not really appealing. Yet when I think back to John Cage’s “neck waddle” obsession on Ally McBeal I want to punch something. It’s not funny.

Janet Jackson is Insane. Having and Raising Kids in Your 40’s is HARD!

Recently I wrote a post about my issues with fertility. I was in my forties when all my baby drama was happening, so when I read an article in the New York Post entitled Mom-to-be Janet Jackson has no idea what she’s in for by Anna Davies it really resonated with me. Come on, every mother on earth thinks Janet is nuts at 50 to have a baby (yet she probably won’t be actually raising the baby like the rest of us schmucks would -most of us aren’t married to billionaires. I digress.) BECAUSE WE KNOW BETTER!

Trend To Try With Caution: Embroidered Denim

Now that I really look at this image I realize the embroidered denim trend might be pushing the limits of what is appropriate for women over 40 to wear. However, like most other trends, it’s not just how you wear it, but how much of it you wear. I can’t stress enough that unless you want to look like you just came back from Coachella (which in my opinion is not very cool when you are in your forties and beyond) WEAR ONE EMBROIDERED DENIM ITEM AT A TIME! Yes, I purposely typed that in all bold because I really mean it.

Why I Got NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation

Much to my husband’s chagrin, I’m that woman who shares TMI. Well, I’m sorry, but there are things women don’t talk about so when something odd happens you are left to believe you are the only person on earth it is happening to. Well file this one under “shit women don’t really talk about.” (Honey, do not read on).

Makeup Tips From James Vincent For Women Over 40

Are there any special makeup rules for women as we age? We asked one of our favorite beauty professionals James Vincent, Celebrity Makeup and Director of Artistry and Education for The Makeup Show for a few pointers. Fo30: Can you give us some fun holiday makeup ideas for women over 40? JV: I don’t believe …

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