Having successfully built an entire fashion empire by their early 20's, the Olsen twins are at it again.
The dynamic duo has partnered up with MySpace co-founder Josh Berman to launch a fashion of the month club called StyleMint, a fashion-based version of Berman's bauble-centered JewelMint (which Kate Bosworth designs for), which are both a part of his online shopping company BeachMint (uh, got that?) Stylemint will reportedly become a kind of fashion site/social media hybrid, offering affordable pieces that MK and Ashley will actually design and merchandise.
Guests to the site will be asked to register and then take a short style quiz to determine their shopping profile. Based on their preferences, each month a variety of items will be available for purchase and the items that each guests buys will determine how future items will be selected. All this seems similar to the new footwear site Sole Society, (see previous post) who selects what goes into each customer's personal shoe closet based on a similar style profile. And like Stylemint who will reportedly keep their pricepoint around $30, Sole Society's shoes are all under $50.
So is this the way online shopping is starting to swing? And do we like it? On the one hand, it is a refreshingly personal way to shop—having a predetermined assortment of your style available at your fingertips, without having to filter through items that are neither your pricepoint or taste. Yet it also seems decidedly generic. Where's the label lust? Where's the variety in high and low end styling? At least with online sample sale sites like Gilt Groupe and ideeli, you have the option of luxury if you so choose to take it. And while this new trend seems a smart way to shop diffusion lines, let's hope they can peacefully co-exist with our luxury sites and not try and replace them. And in the meantime, we admit—we do kind of want to see what the Olsen twins have to offer.
-Alia Rajput
Article Source: Styleite, WWD
Photo Source: askmen.com