Take a good look at this ad from Jean Paul Gaultier's fall 2010 campaign. Plus-size model (and the subject of the recent Great Weight Debate) Crystal Renn, lays precariously alongside Chinese model Ping Hue and French model Kelly Moirera. Nothing out out the ordinary, right? Or is there? Renn is the only caucasian model in the picture, and yet she defies the predetermined norm of what the white model standard is "supposed to" look like. So maybe the days of a mandatory stick-thin white model are behind us? Could diversity in both skin color and body type become the new foundation for global ads? Let's hope so! Although as good as that sounds however, this new trend will seemingly not be embraced without more backlash on the state of Renn's figure as plus-size and on how much retouching was used in the campaign. But who cares—it's still a big step toward the future of a more accepting modeling world!
Article and Photo Source: NY Mag
-Alia Rajput