Savvy Travelers – For Savvy Women On The Go!

I realize I should do a post on what to pack for a quick beach weekend away, and I will soon (as I am going away for a beach weekend by the end of summer). But in the meantime, if you are traveling somewhere for just a few days, you need to consider Savvy Travelers. I don’t know about you, but my toiletries take up most of my carry-on bag. There’s hardly room for my clothes, not to mention shoes. Or if you take short business trips you already know it’s no fun trying to stuff your beauty and skincare products into those tiny 3.4 oz containers allowed in the overhead bins on planes. I wind up checking my bag because I can’t be bothered. Not anymore!

Get There Now: Tulum, Mexico

If you are reading this, you are probably familiar with my fashion column – Get It Now (ten years going strong!), but I’m also a travel writer, so with the new incarnation or update of Second City Style, it is time to “Get There Now” here on Fountain Of 30! Our first feature is Get There …

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