Andre Leon Talley Signs On as New ANTM Judge, Kimora Lee Rumors False

Andre Leon Talley

Former supermodel and Oprah-in-training Tyra Banks took a break from trying to expand her empire to reach the ends of the earth to focus on one of her little profitable gems—the next season of America's Next Top Model (cue 'Hallelujah' chorus). The diva extraordinarie was seen romping through New Zealand these past couple weeks with her regular crew of unbuttoned shirt-wearing (Nigel), platinum-highlighted (Jay M.) and high-heeled (Miss J) men, along with a curiously new addition who has been confirmed as Vogue's Editor-at-Large Andre Leon Talley!

Talley has reportedly signed on as a full-time judge for the show, filling the ubiquitous fourth judge spot after the show dropped former judge Paulina Poriskova. Tyra seemingly was getting jealous of Poriskova's growing popularity on the show and dealt a swift blow of the ax. But If popularity is what she fears, Talley may not be the best choice either since who can resist those Crocs and patterned mumu's? It's all too much!


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There were also rumors that Tyra's on again off again BFF Kimora Lee Simmons of streetwear label Babyphat would also be signing on as judge but, alas, those reports were confirmed today too be untrue. Can't say that's necessarily bad news. Those poor girls on the upcoming seasons don't need two amazonian women in fake hair yelling at them to  keep their heads on up the runway; they'll already have to deal with not one, but now two men judging them in drag.

Article Source: NY Mag, Cassius blog (New Zealand)
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-Alia Rajput

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