Tim Gunn and Mondo Guerra
This week’s episode of Project Runwaywas most definitely a favorite. The closer it gets down to the final designers the harder it is to see them go – well most of them. This week’s challenge was also extremely emotional for the remaining competitors. For the HP Intel Print Challenge, Mondo Guerra came back to explain the task. One family member or close friend of each designer got to visit and provide inspiration for a pattern that each designer had the opportunity to create. They then had to use this pattern to design an outfit for the runway.
The workroom was filled with screams, tears, laughter and an endless sea of embraces as family members and friends filed in to help with this week’s challenge. It was great seeing how each of the designers reacted to his or her guest coming, especially Elena whose tough shell melted away when her mother arrived. She was a completely different person – so friendly and cheerful it was alarming. For most of the designers, having their close family or friend there with them was vital in inspiring a look. However, Christopher was so comfortable with his mother and father being there that he lost all focus in the challenge before things even got going.
Project Runway Season 10 Remaining Designers with their family members
The designers got rolling once the patterns arrived. Everyone seemed to be using a lot of bright reds in their prints and Fabio even incorporated a bit of genitalia in his. Everyone eagerly got working on their pieces with the exception of Christopher. He just could not commit to a design. Gunnar on the other hand channeled one of his darkest times to represent how being bullied made him the person he is today. Through Gunnar opening up about his past, Christopher began to see that they were not so different after all. It was actually an amazing moment to see Gunnar and Christopher go from death glares in the beginning of the competition to a mutual understanding and respect for each other (I knew from the beginning they would either make some sort of positive connection, or kill each other).
But the fun was only getting started when Tim Gunn arrived to critique their progress. For the most part, people were on track with what they were doing except for Ven. As always Ven thought he had the most amazing design ever created in the history of Project Runway. But he was slammed down to reality by Tim who said his outfit resembled a menstrual cycle (probably one of the greatest things Tim has said this season). So, with time running out Ven went back to what he was most comfortable with, which was that same signature flower design he’s done in almost every look. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t everyone on Christopher’s case a couple of episodes ago for his over-pleating? I thought Ven would have learned from Christopher’s critique, or maybe he just figured that didn’t also apply to him.
Project Runway Season 10 Episode 9 Judges Anya Ayoung-Chee, Mondo Guerra, Nina Garcia, Michael Kors and Heidi Klum
When the looks graced the runway, it was obvious which were the weaker designs. Elena and Fabio remained safe, but Gunnar, Christopher and Ven pulled in the lowest scores while Melissa, Dmitry and Sonjia picked up the higher scores. The judges which included Mondo Guerra and Anya Ayoung-Chee loved that Melissa’s look was chic, smart and appealed to a wide audience. They loved that Sonjia’s pants were perfectly crafted and deemed it one of the most successful outfits. But at long last it was finally time for Dmitry to have his moment. He was crowned the winner of the challenge because his design concept exuded wearability, and he stepped out of his dress comfort zone to create an amazing jacket. Even Elena gave a slight smile of approval at the news.
As for the bottom three, Christopher’s struggle and lack of focus were apparent in his design. The judges said that his outfit was nice but it was very simple and not something that they expected from Christopher at this stage of the competition. Ven’s issue with the judges was that they’d seen his design done over and over and with this being a challenge about prints, they found his to be very weak. But despite my prayers, Ven remained in the competition. It was Gunnar who was sent to pack up his supplies in the workroom. This was by far one of the most heartfelt goodbyes of the season, and it was evident that everyone in the room was genuinely sad to see Gunnar go – especially Christopher! But Gunnar handled the situation in what I’m going to refer to as the most graceful exit from Project Runway.
Dmitry, “You are the winner of this challenge!”Sonjia’s DesignMelissa’s DesignChristopher’s DesignVen’s DesignGunnar, “You are out!”Memorable Quotes: “I don’t want to see Elena today.” -Dmitry“Gunnar wants a new pair of boots. I wanna buy my mom a boob job.” -Gunnar“Omg, who’s here for me? Get out of the way, get out of the way!” -Christopher“She needs to be a horse riding bitch.” -Gunnar “Christopher is like a lost puppy right now.” -Gunnar“Everything I do looks Spanish matador.” -Gunnar“I have been having separation anxiety myself.” -Tim Gunn“I would use the top to sex it up.” -Tim Gunn“But I look at this and i’ll be blunt — I see an homage to a menstrual cycle. It looks like cloths that have soaked up blood.” -Tim Gunn‘They look like maxi pads.” -Tim Gunn“God, it’s just as ugly as I left it.” -Gunnar “To me she looks like a Hawaiian airline hostess.” Heidi“I would buy that. That is crazy good.” -Heidi“It would have looked like Pac Man is eating her crotch.” -Michael Kors“Christopher and I just made up. The world is gonna come to an end.” -Gunnar