Jewelry designer Mimi So was in Chicago on Thursday for a trunk show, luncheon and special presentation of her collection. The lively and talented designer styled the models herself, including pieces from her collection. It demonstrated how beautifully her diamonds and fine jewelry can be worn from day to night.
You may have seen her designs on celebrities on the red carpet and on Sex and the City, and not even realized it. One of her first jobs was working with Patricia Field styling the cast with her jewelry collection. Remember the stunning diamond pyramid ring on Samantha when she she turned off her alarm clock in one espisode? That was by Mimi So.
Mimi learned to craft jewelry from her family’s business. She said she was a Tomboy (she was the youngest and only girl) and loved working in the back of the shop. Then to “prove something” to her brothers and she went to Parsons School of Design for Graphic Design, but went back to the family jewelry business and designed her own collection. One of her first breaks was designing custom pieces of jewelry for Iman and David Bowie. She told us a humorous story of going to an appointment for Iman and with only her sketch book and realized she should have brought samples. She started to turn towards the door to walk out when she heard an audible, “Where are you going?” (Mimi did a great imitation of Iman’s voice!) It was a good thing Iman stopped her, because she got an order which led to an order and meeting with David Bowie. “I was thinking, ‘My brother would be so jealous!'” she said.
Samantha’s pyramid ring and a few more dainty sparklers.A colorful way to play up diamonds.Mimi So Ring-beads-blouseMultiple strands of polished gems and diamond bow rings go from day to night.I adore these Mimi So Piece Stick Diamond Earrings.Mimi So floating bow rings go with and edgy studs and geometric bangles.Mimi So, a model in Wes Gordon dress, and Wes Gordon
Mimi styled this model in a Wes Gordon dress (center) and Wes just happened to be in the store with his own trunk show that same day!
Mimi So’s signature square bangles are among my favorites of her jewelry.I’m with Mimi So!
It was such a delight to meet Mimi So! Now I will be looking for pieces of her jewelry every time I see a rerun of Sex and the City!
Shop Mimi So at Neiman Marcus and visit
– Carol Calacci