You wear earrings, right? So why shouldn’t your earplug headphones also make a statement? Happy Plugs Deluxe Edition are jewelry and quality headphones combined! These earbud and in-ear headphones come in gold, silver and rose gold ($29.99 earbuds/$39.99 in-ear) beautifully combining function and style.
Happy Plugs is actually a fashion brand that focuses on style. The company doesn’t view headphones as a tech product, but as a way to express yourself and capture your world of music. Mind you, that the sound quality is excellent is just the icing on the cake. They make a great gift and you don’t need pierced ears to enjoy them!
Happy Plugs – The Deluxe Edition Earbuds $29.99 – $39.99 ($145 for 18 carat solid gold)
– Lauren Dimet Waters