HauteLook has teamed up with Melissa Rivers and her newly launched daily deals site, Shoparatti to create an exclusive, curated online sale event. Hosted on HauteLook, Rivers has hand-selected the perfect styles for summer that take you from day to night. Every day, Rivers and Shoparatti pick from hundreds of daily deal sites to aggregate only the best offers. Rivers draws upon her expertise in spotting trends in lifestyle, entertainment and fashion to make her Shoparatti selections, and offers an editorial opinion when compiling her list of competitive deals. Second City Style got to have a quick interview with Ms. Rivers about the upcoming collaboration.
Second City Style: How did you get partnered with HauteLook? What made you think that this was a good fit?
Melissa Rivers: Shoparatti has been doing business with HauteLook since Day 1 and from the get go we knew our users loved shopping at HauteLook. We all put our heads together to figure out something special for those particular shoppers.
SCS: What is your criteria for selecting items for your curated sale?
MR: I wanted to feature items that were versatile, on trend and at a fantastic price point.
SCS: What kind of products and designers can we expect from this sale?
MR: Jewelry, handbags and outfits to take you from day to night.
SCS: Is there one look in particular you find yourself drawn towards? Can we expect this look or elements of this look in other hand-picked pieces?
MR: Absolutely, the shoes and accessories are amazing and will always be classics. I love the white jeans with zipper detail that you will find in the sale event. That is what started the outfit for me.
SCS: What do you think will be the biggest trends is for the upcoming Fall/Winter 2011 season?
MR: We are still seeing a lot of bold colors and gold is coming back big time for fall.
SCS: If there is one item that you think no one should go without and be able to splurge on, what is it?
MR: The perfect t-shirt. The fit, styling and most important is the feel and fabric.
If you would like to check out what Rivers has to offer, you can visit the Hautelook website! The shopping event begins today and ends on Monday, August 1 at 8 AM EST.
– Taneisha Jordan
Photo: poptower.com