There are certain experiences that we encounter in life that give us a better understanding of an issue. Just because we go through something once doesn’t mean that we automatically become experts on said topic. Most of us average folk understand this, we take what we learn and implement it into our lives. However, there are those few that use an experience to deem themselves “gurus” on whatever issues they’ve faced. And today I would like to point the finger at “actress-turned-lifestyle guru,” Gwyneth Paltrow.
In her new book, “It’s All Good,” coming out out April 2, Paltrow recounts a time in 2011 when she experienced a migraine and a panic attack but thought she was on the verge of death. Paltrow’s book shares recipes and insight into the strict diet that her doctor put her on for three weeks to revitalize her system. Some of the things that this “miracle” diet prohibits are: eggs, sugar, coffee, deepwater fish, tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, corn, meat and wheat. So, I suppose that leaves with a diet of water, lettuce and air. Mmmm delicious –NOT!
In 2008, Paltrow also took the liberty of launching her lifestyle Web site, Goop. On Goop users can acquire recipes as well as clothing and accessories promoted by Paltrow. Sounds promising, right?
Let’s pause for a moment and take this all in. I’m going to put on my “lifestyle guru” hat for a second and say I think all of this “miracle” diet, strict food regime nonsense needs to just die! There’s a phrase that says something along the lines of ‘you should never trust a skinny cook’, and I sure as hell am not putting my faith in Gwyneth Paltrow. Sure, it’s fine to cut out some sugars, and a little gluten here and there (especially if you have an allergic reaction or food intolerance). If anything go the organic route instead of substituting real foods with processed imitation products. I feel that ‘carpe diem’ is a way more appropriate mantra when it comes to food. Seize the day and seize that plate! Being healthy is not about making mealtime miserable. Everything in moderation. That is the key to living a healthy lifestyle, something you probably won’t learn from Paltrow.
– Jamie Wilson
Source and Image: NY Post