So we’ve completed the first week of October and surely by now, you’ve all noticed that Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in full swing. And while countless companies are doing their part to support the fight against breast cancer with “pink”- themed products and services, there are other ways to give a voice to the important cause. This week, Estée Lauder Companies Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign kicked off its “Shine A Light on Breast Cancer” social media program. This year, the BCA Campaign launches an integrated digital program that centers around a Facebook application that will live on the BCA Campaign’s Facebook page. They invite guets from all over the digital waves to add their own personal messages of hope. The application was inspired by the BCA Campaign’s Global Landmark Illuminations Initiative, through which more than 200 prominent global landmarks are lit in bright pink lights as symbols of hope and empowerment.
Mrs. Evelyn Lauder, Senior Corporate Vice President of The Estée Lauder Companies, stated “This year, The BCA Campaign took its important breast health awareness message to new heights through a multi-faceted, exciting and provocative digital program. Our first-ever global website, combined with our “Shine a Light on Breast Cancer” social media program translates into a new and inspiring High-Touch vehicle to encourage women and men from all corners of the globe to come together to rid the world of a disease that has no boundaries, for a future free of breast cancer.”
If you only do three things this month to show your support in the fight against breast cancer, let this be them:
*Write your own personal message of hope on the BCA Campaign Facebook application to spread the unwavering support for breast cancer patients, survivors and their families
*Tune into the BCA Campaign Online Press Conference with Elizabeth Hurley and Estee Lauder and BCA Campaign Spokesmodel and Marisa Thalberg, which covers the history, breadth and key objectives of the Campaign, along with essential facts about breast cancer and the importance of healthy living. (Bonus: Elizabeth Hurley answers one of the Second City Style questions!!)
*Check out our own carefully edited 15 Pink Picks for Breast Cancer Awareness, which features some of the best (and most charitable) “pink” products out there, benefiting a number of breast cancer research foundations.
For more information, visit the BCA Campaign’s first-ever global website and follow @BCAcampaign on Twitter for information on breast health, healthy living and the BCA Campaign.
-Alia Rajput
Photo Source: BCA Campaign