Who doesn’t love a bargain? And when it’s for a good cause, all the better! Last weekend
eDrop-Off’s Charity Warehouse Sale partnered with the
Primo Center for Women and Children, a transitional house for homeless women and children with the mission to empower its residents to become productive, responsible and independent members of their community. Held at the
National Hellenic Museum in Greektown in Chicago, attendees shelled out $20 for a plastic tote bag that they had the opportunity to fill to the brim with designer clothing, bags and accessories. As much as they could fit!
100% of the proceeds went back to the organization. In the end, they raised $13,000, and I heard they ran out of merchandise after only one and a half hours of opening! Way to go ladies! Walking home with my bag of goodies and knowing it was all for a good cause, gave me a new-found respect for eDrop-Off and what they do to give back to their community.

–Carmen Turner
Photos: Second City Style