Ji Suk Yi from Windy City LiveDaley Plaza is looking extra fashionable today! The seventh annual sidewalk sale is going on until 3pm. Yesterday, SCS attended the sale and fashion show featuring pieces from local designers. Ji Suk Yi from Windy City Live was the emcee for the show as models strutted out wearing summer looks. There will be another fashion show today at 12:00 noon!
We couldn’t resist a little shopping after the fashion show and picked up some adorable jewelry pieces from See Song Designs. See a full list of the participating boutiques and designers at cityofchicago.org.
The perfect summer dress by Anna HovetA classy polka-dot look by Michelle TanI picked up some colorful bracelets from See Song DesignsMade In Chicago’s tent has many locally designed piecesThe Squashet by Les tentHow adorable is this lace dress by Nora Del Busto?Carol got this fabulous wrap from C Fan for $45!
You too can shop the sale today until 3pm today located at 50 W. Washington St. in Daley Plaza. Admission is free!
– Claire Mykrantz
Photos by Second City Style