Project Runway Season 8 Episode 9: Race To The Finish. Memorable Quotes From Last Night's Episode


It was a big, big challenge this week for Project Runway! ‘Race to the Finish’ had the designers creating a high fashion couture look and the winning look would be used for a L’oreal Paris editorial and in addition receive $20,000. And with the big challenge and big win comes a fairly uneventful episode, since everyone is diligent about their work. The designers get $300 and two days to complete their look, but surprise-surprise, on the second day Tim comes in to announce an additional challenge: create a ready-to-wear look to accompany their couture piece. So while everyone was fairly confident before about finishing their garments, now it really was a race to the finish.

On the runway, in the top was Gretchen, whose look was beautifully made, with exquisite detailing especially in the back. However, her hairstyling and accessorizing kept her from winning the jack-pot. Andy’s detailing and subtle use of metallics placed him in the top as well. (Plus, he did separates, which is always a favorite among the judges). But it was Mondo who won the challenge again this week. His bold designs and daring use of color created a look that was won over by the judges, and his ready-to-wear dress was slimming…who could ask for more?


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On the bottom was a slew of costumes beginning with Michael C's Gone with the Wind contraption. Even though the judges continue to tell the designers that they dislike the color bordeaux, someone seems to use it in every challenge and this time it was Michael C. Even though his dresses were well made, the ridiculously long wired train was just too much for the judges, including guest judge Naeem Khan. Ivy and Valarie were also both in the bottom AGAIN. Valarie thought she should have gone home since her design lacked any clear concept and she has been struggling as of late. But it was Ivy who went home for her bridesmaid styled Little Mermaid dresses, although she truly thought she would be safe from elimination. So sad, but it was about time Ivy left.


Mondo, "You are the winner!"

Andy's Design

Gretchen's Design

Michael C.'s Design

Valerie's Design

Ivy – "You are out!"

Memorable Quotes:

"My second look is going to be ready-to-wear, off the rack, even if it's the clearance rack." –Mondo

"Nina Garcia is looking at the train, and she's thinking, 'What the hell is that?'" Michael C.

"Ew! I love the side-slit action. Hallo!" —Gretchen

"I don't love her hair…" —Michael Kors

'I think it looks like a Kentucky Derby horse ribbon exploded!" —Michael Kors' (positive) comment on Mondo's design

"I think they're bridesmaids under the sea." —Michael Kors

"I think everyone up here had a bridesmaid pageant problem." —Michael Kors

"You tried very hard, but it's over-kill in every way." —Naeem Khan to Valerie

"It's like trying to make a winter coat out of Kleenex."  —Michael Kors to Valerie

"The only possible accessory she could use with this is a wand…'One for you, and you and you!"  —Michael Kors to Valerie

"I think you have to choose. Boobs or legs. Now I don't know where to look" —Heidi  Klum to Michael C. on his RTW look

"She has all the curtains from Tara ripped off the wall and made into one dress." —Michael Kors

"The dress is lik a Xanax. It's such a bore." —Michael Kors to Valerie

"And the same bad neckline..twice!" —Michael Kors

"It was Gone with the Wind, My Fair Lady and the Little Mermaid." —Nina Garcia, reveiwing the bottom three designers

"I think It's an unbelievably tight race for hideous today." —Michael Kors on Ivy's and Valerie's designs

"So I have twenty thousand… fourteen dollars…in my bank account now! " —Mondo after winning the $20,000 prize

Also, don't forget to check out one of our favorite sites dedicated to all things Project Runway…Blogging Project Runway

See the all the designers looks including their RTW looks at MyLifetime.

—Bonnie J Brown

Photos: Lifetime

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