While sitting on the train yesterday reading my paper I came upon an article that literally made me let out a scream of horror. I was looking at an article in the NY Post entitled “Scrunchies enjoy a revival as summer’s hottest accessory.” Say what? Of all the accessory trends to be brought back to life this is the last one I would ever imagine…or want to see again!
I mean I burned (OK, threw away) mine long ago. I kept one little black one which I strictly use for washing my hair and it never leaves my bathroom. Nor should it! I used to have tons of scrunchies back in the day. In the late 80’s and early 90’s they were all the rage. I even made some of my own from fabrics I loved. But their time came and went and that’s where they should stay. Buried. Yeah, yeah, I know they are better for your hair than regular rubberbands, but it’s 2014…we now have options. I have found several coated rubberbands that don’t damage my hair and I think I will stick to those.
This is a classic case of “if you wore the trend the first time around, you shouldn’t the second incarnation.” Leave this trend for the under 25 crowd. I don’t care that Kathie Lee Gifford loves them. In fact, that alone would keep me away. She was too old to wear them 15 years ago! I would never take fashion advice from her. I mean Hillary Clinton still tries to rock one. Need I say more? I would much rather take my fashion advice from Carrie Bradshaw who famously said “No woman who works at W Magazine and lives on Perry Street would be caught dead at a hip downtown restaurant wearing a scrun-un chie!” Enough said!
Read Scrunchies enjoy a revival as summer’s hottest accessory here.
– Lauren Dimet Waters