This week’s episode of Project Runway All Stars is all about ready-to-wear clothing and the designers will be teaming up with Milly, one of the only remaining brands who designs and produces their looks in the New York City garment district. The challenge is to create a design that appeals to Milly’s clientele using designer Michelle Smith’s custom fabrics. The suggested retail price of the look will be $400 and the winning design will be manufactured and sold at Milly boutiques! The profits will benefit the charity Save The Garment Center. Remember, there are only four left in the competition!
The designers journey to the Milly headquarters to talk to Michelle Smith about the collection. Although she wants the designer’s personalities to shine through, the looks must fit the Milly aesthetic. They must also have an urban tribal vibe and be feminine with an edge. After the designers choose their fabrics and sketch, Milly president Andrew Oshrin approves the looks and makes sure they are within the budget.
There is some drama in the workroom when Elena rips her leather and wants to make another similar dress. Designer Michelle Smith joins Zanna Roberts Rassi to give feedback and tells Elena to scrap the second dress. Christopher was approved to do a dress, but decides to create a look using two garments. However, two separates cost more than a single dress to produce, so he has to go back to his original idea. The next day, Christopher is still struggling to keep his design under budget and is scrambling to finish his dress one minute before the runway!
Georgina Chapman is back on the judging panel and this week’s guest judges are actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth, TV host and entrepreneur Nick Cannon, and of course the owner and designer of Milly, Michelle Smith. The judges liked all the dresses this week and announced the winner is Seth Aaron! This is his first win as well. Elena is safe, and she and Seth Aaron have guaranteed spots in the finale. In a twist, Korto and Christopher must complete a mini-challenge for the third and final spot. They have an hour to select three looks from their previous challenges and remix them into one new outfit. Isaac, Georgina, and Alyssa make the difficult decision of choosing the designer who will go to the finale, and the choose Korto! Sadly, that means Christopher is out.
Seth Aaron is going on to the finals!Elena is going on the the finals!Korto is going on the the finals!Christopher, “You are out!”
Tune in next week to see who will win season three of Project Runway All Stars!
Memorable Quotes:
“Hellloooo, I am Elena!” –Christopher
“When we’re done, I’m going to apply for a job here.” –Seth Aaron
“I have champagne tastes and lemonade pockets.” –Korto
“I just married my fabric, yo.” –Korto
“Her shoulders look like big ears, like elf ears. Do you remember when Pee-wee Herman had that fake ear and he was like whaaaattt?” –Christopher
“The advice boat is gone!” –Korto
“If the power went out, Elena would still be able to see her garment!” –Christopher
“Let’s go daaahling!” –Christopher
“Ooh, it’s divine!” –Christopher
“It’s like a chamomile ice cream or something.” –Isaac
“I could eat a Big Mac and still feel very comfortable!” –Kristin
“As a man I like the zipper in the front because it’s easy access!” –Nick
“There are two eyes on the skirt just looking at me, just staring at me, hypnotizing me!” –Nick
“The Democrat in the back and the Republican in the front really works for me!” –Kristin
“It’s a little dying on the vine.” –Isaac
“My first question is what size is it? And second, can I have it?” –Kristin
“It has this little sassy bounce that I really love. But did I see nipple?” –Alyssa
“I can’t believe that came out of my mouth! I’m not supposed to say that! Woopsie!” –Kristin
“I want to cry, but I won’t because I’ve cried enough this season.” –Elena
“Ugh, I don’t know what just happened.” –Christopher
“I’m going to go insane if I have to sit here much longer!” –Seth Aaron
“An hour darling?! It’s Michelangelo.” –Isaac
“It’s kind of naughty!” –Isaac
Be sure to check out our other favorite site dedicated to all things Project Runway…Blogging Project Runway!
– Claire Mykrantz
Photos: Lifetime