Wearable Trends: Get Moving In Fashionable Activewear

The upcoming months have been unofficially deemed moving season. It’s that time in the late spring and beginning of summer when (if you happen to be renting) you can make that decision to start anew in a new-to-you abode. I, for one, will be partaking this year (after living in my apartment for 11 years!) and the impending move has got me thinking: where are all of my comfy-chic clothes? Packing your life up in boxes forces you to take inventory on your wardrobe. I’ve come to realize I don’t have any decent pieces of “comfy clothes” or fashionable activewear. I think these pieces are perfect for those weekends leading up to the big move: crawling around on the floor, cleaning, boxing things up and schlepping old items to Goodwill or Salvation Army. Don’t you want to look good while you’re doing the dirty work?

I’m not generally one to own lots of activewear, as mine is almost strictly reserved for my evening gym time (I literally only own one pair of sneakers!) But as I’m in the midst of moving madness, I ache to have some nice looking, high quality and comfortable options that I can use for hanging out, doing housework and running errands. I’m embarrassed to say that pretty much all of my casual wear consists of old college sweatshirts, flannel pajamas bottoms and hand-me-down T-shirts – not something I’m proud of.

High quality and sexy active gear is pretty much a staple for any retailer. Designers now acknowledge that we live our lives on-the-go, want to be comfortable, look good and will not apologize for it! In my own recent search to up my activewear game, I’ve found some amazing options! I wouldn’t mind bubble wrapping my champagne flutes while rocking this sporty but sexy ALALA mesh jumpsuit and then taking a froyo break with friends without missing a beat!


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So whether you’re making the big move or just want the perfect pullover to wear to brunch, here are some pieces to get you started!

Shop fashionable activewear

Pictured Above (from left to right):

Norma Kamali Side-Stripe Turtle Athletic Jacket, Gray, $220

DKNY Spring 2017 RTW

Anthropologie Trimmed Cargo Joggers, $98

Nike Air Max Thea, $95

ALALA Mesh-Panel Jumpsuit, $195

Splendid Vintage Whisper Circle Tee, $58

– Carmen Turner

Image Layout: Fountain Of 30

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